A design-forward public relations and branding agency.

Your design story is complex, unique, and thoughtful.

Is anyone telling it?

When building or renovating a project, you invest significant time and money into architecture and design. From RFPs to vendor selection, mood boards to materiality, the design process often begins years before the doors ever open.

Ironically, many of these steps that make your project unique barely make it to your brand story or to the press.

In short, you are leaving your design dollars on the table.

Likewise, individual artists, designers, and design firms have stories that make them stand out from peers and competitors. These creatives are usually so deep in the technical weeds, they miss out on seizing brand and press opportunities.

That’s where we come in. Coveted Portfolio is a design-driven agency that can package up your design story in a way that resonates for employees, guests, and press across the world.

Let us tell your design story.

Who We Serve

Hospitality Venues

Arguably one of the industries that invests the most in design, with design stories that typically are condensed down into a sentence or two in the larger brand story. Your design deserves more!

High Rises & Residential Towers

When ideating a living space like no other, design and architecture are at the top of the list in what makes your building different. When conveyed properly, these areas are value-adds for buyers. Let us help you see design ROI.

Artisans and Design Firms

Like final products, the creative minds behind design, architecture, furniture, and art all have innovative stories to tell. We believe in the creative power of the designer and can help position you as a leading creator in your space.

Coveted Portfolio is helmed by Erika Thomas, a Parsons-educated brand and interior design professional with a decade of experience in hospitality, creative direction, and brand development.

With a healthy obsession for blending interesting aesthetics, intentional living, and purpose-driven design, Erika is a powerful partner to build life and soul into your brand.

Be coveted.

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